No. Windshield repair is an important part of maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. When you put in a windshield claim, it will not automatically affect your insurance premium. In fact, if you go to an ICBC-approved Glass Repair Program facility, the facility will invoice ICBC directly, meaning that you won’t have to pay any deductible for the windshield repair. However, you may need to pay a deductible if the windshield damage is deemed unsafe and unrepairable, so please make sure to double check your vehicle’s policy to see what type of comprehensive coverage was purchased and whether or not there is a deductible associated with it.
What is comprehensive coverage?
Comprehensive insurance coverage from ICBC for windshield replacement is designed to cover all associated costs if your windshield needs to be replaced due to an accident, vandalism or other type of damage. This coverage provides repair and/or replacement costs for windshields on almost any model vehicle operated in British Columbia with no deductible. Repair or replacement due to chips, stars or bulls-eyes may also be eligible and will help keep costs down by avoiding a full windshield replacement.

Windshield Repair Vs. Windshield Replacement
Windshields play an essential role in ensuring that drivers stay safe on the road. That is why comprehensive coverage includes windshield repair whenever possible. In order for windshield repair to be possible, the damage should smaller than a loonie and not be a long crack or pre-existing damage (such as a long crack) which do not often qualify for repair. To make sure you make the right choice on whether to have your windshield repaired or replaced, it’s best to consult with us and determine if the damage can be safely and appropriately repaired in accordance with the BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.
We are an ICBC Repair Network Facility and process BCAA, Stratford Insurance, Intact, Belair, Family Insurance and out of province providers. For more information on Insurance Claims Processing – ICBC Windshield Repair Program, see our SERVICES page.